Monday, September 1, 2008

Matter of Perspective

Katelyn can't figure out how to put them on.

Katelyn showing off her muffin. She was REALLY excited.

A trip to Thanksgiving Point with the Popes.

I think it is funny how a lot of parents feel that the hardest number of children to manage is the number they currently have. I will often hear things like “I thought two kids were hard but when we had our third, it really got hard. We could handle two kids but it was much harder to go places with three young kids.” This simply means they have three kids.

Although Amy is amazing and takes all four kids to a lot of places, if she sends me to the store with all four kids, I have to brace myself for the worst. However, if she takes just one, and I only have to take three kids, it feels so much easier. It doesn’t even matter which kid. I think it is all a matter of prospective. When you are used to four kids, handling three is just easier.

There are a lot of ways that our experience with Brandon and Katelyn has changed our perspective. Even though we’ve been through a lot we feel really lucky. The outcome has been great. We have seen many other parents that have a lot of varied outcomes and some of them have not been as lucky as we have. It’s amazing to see how happy these parents can be when their child is able to do something that many people take for granted. When someone tells us about how their baby came a month premature and stayed for a couple of weeks in the NICU, we obviously have a very different perspective on how big of a deal that situation is. However, to most people this would justifiably be a very big and potentially stressful event. There are also many people who we know who could look at us and say we got off lucky and we have not idea how bad it could really be.

Amy and I recently came in contact with a mother who obviously had some sort of paralysis on one side of her body. When I first saw her I knew nothing about her condition. However, because of Brandon’s situation I instantly had a very different feeling than I might have had in the past. Brandon is making good progress and I have some serious hope that the long-term effects of his hemiparesis will be very minor. Even though our two situations may be very different, I can’t help but feeling this instant connection to this woman. I look at her very differently after having thought about how something like this might affect one of the most important people in my life. I often feel the same way when I see other kids with other disabilities. Because we have narrowly escaped many of these trials, I feel like I understand better. When I think about the difference I have come to the conclusion that my new perspective allows me to feel even more love for these strangers. It’s not that I didn’t feel this way before but it is now deeper and with more understanding.

Brandon has an MRI & MRA scheduled for this week so we can better understand what’s going on in his brain. Because Brandon had a blood clot in his Broviac line, I believe that Brandon had a stroke that caused his hemiparesis. Hopefully this test will let us know if this is what really happened. We have to meet with the doctor to discuss the results so it will be a couple of weeks before we know anything.

The medication that Katelyn has been taking for her lip seems to be helping. We think her lip is looking great.

1 comment:

Michelle Campbell said...

It is funny how our experiences in life defenitely change our perspectives. I have to admit that when Carson was in the NICU with his blood issues after he was born, thinking about your situation made it easier on me. Even though I didn't like seeing him hooked up to things and it was hard... I knew it could be worse and therefore was grateful that our problem wasn't that bad. Thanks for all you've shared with the family on your little family. Witnessing your miracles helps build my faith that anything is possible. :) We love love love you guys and miss you tons. Give those sweet kids squeezes from us. :).... and YES, 4 kids is harder then 3. haha.