Thursday, October 4, 2007

Getting old

Katelyn with Catherine, the best nurse ever!

Both Brandon and Katelyn have been doing very well in the last couple of days. They are almost to their due date. They were due on October 7th and on the 10th they will be three months old.

Katelyn has been taken of the anti-seizure medication and they are hopeful that she won’t have another one. We are a little scared of being too hopeful because of how bad it will feel if it happens again. She has been very happy and content. As I gave her a bath last night she hardly cried at all. She did a lot of grunting and seemed very happy. She normally fusses when I take her out of the water and she hits the cold air but last night she didn’t complain much at all. Katelyn is getting chubby (at least she looks that way to us). She is now 5 lbs 14 oz. she is doing well with her feedings. Amy is feeding her twice a day.

Brandon has also returned to his normal self. He hasn’t had any problems for a couple of days. Who knows which of the many things they did, made the difference. He weighs 4 lbs. 2 oz. (1870 grams). The goal is to get him 2000 grams so they can do his “take down” operation. However, it seems like a relatively simple operation with a short recovery time. He too has been eating well and Amy might start him on two feedings a day again really soon.

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