Thursday, November 29, 2007

Close to home

We spent the weekend at the Ronald McDonald House near Primary Children’s in SLC. It turned out to be very helpful. Amy was nursing Brandon 4 times a day and taking care of Katelyn in between. We had big plans to do a lot of fun stuff when we were up in Salt Lake but we were busier than we expected. However, we did get a chance to go to the children’s museum. The Ronald McDonald house is great. The rooms were pretty modest but they had a lot of entertainment. They had big screen TV’s on every floor, a game room in the basement, movies to check out and watch, free passes to the zoo and museums, They had a large kitchen with a completely stocked refrigerator and every evening a new group came in and cooked dinner. It made our life much easier last weekend.

We have been talking about it for a while but it is finally real. On Monday they did an echocardiogram on Brandon and determined that he was doing well enough to send him back to Utah Valley. It took a while to figure out all of the details but Tuesday morning we packed him up and he was back-transported via ambulance. The great part is that as they wheeled him to the ambulance we all were able to meet in the hall. We got a chance to take our first family picture with all of us in one place. This alone was almost worth the transfer. It was hard to leave behind so many nurses and doctors who have loved and cared for Brandon. The nice thing is that returning to UVRMC is a lot like going home. We felt very welcome. Even the security guards remember who we are and asked how Katelyn was doing.

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